What To Eat During Period And What to Avoid / Remedies - Supriya Patil

 What To Eat During Period And What to Avoid 

Menstrual Cycle is something which every women goes through monthly. Fatigue, mood swings, depression and awful cramps are a given during your period but you will be surprised to know that what you eat can actually effect how you feel during your period. During periods 4-5 days can counter muscle pain, headaches and stomachache and problem of digestion.

During period needs more energy ,proteins , vitamins  and need Avoid Of  fast food, cold food , drinks etc.

Best food eat during period

1.Fruits And Vegetables

While fruits and vegetables plays vital role of source of nutrients and fiber in diet, they may be especially helpful during periods.

Eat water -rich fruits like cucumber, watermelon, tomato .Also eat sweet fruits increase your Glucose level. ( eg Banana, oranges )

Eat leafy green vegetables such as spinach, fenugreek can boost your iron and magnesium level .

(eg Kale, Broccoli )


Drinking Plenty of water helps you more. Staying hydrated can reduce or stop retaining water and bloating.


The hot drink means Ginger tea helps you more during periods.

Ginger may also reduce Nausea And feels better.

Consumption of ginger more than 4 gram in one day cause heartburn and stomachaches.

4.Dark Chocolate

It is beneficial because dark chocolate is rich in iron and magnesium .Also more calories.


Chicken have high proteins and iron .Proteins are essential and helpful for our body.


Rich protein , iron and Omega -3 Fatty acids, and nutrients .

Omega -3 can reduce intensity of period pain.

Food to Avoid During Periods

1.Spicy Food or Fast Food

Spicy foods upset your stomach and cause stomachache and even nausea.


Avoid packing snack having large amount of sodium chloride or salt.


Avoid drink coffee during periods The cause headaches and constipation. sometimes digestive problems too.


Consumption Of drinks Cause headache.

5.Red meat

Other Remedies During Period

1.Proper Exercise. (Yoga)

2.Hot compresses Like use of hot bag can soothe pain in your abdomen and back.

3.Medicine but suggested by doctor.

4.Massaging with oil.

Healthy diet recipe

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